Re: TI-H: linux...
Re: TI-H: linux...
The Network I administer uses DHCP on a class B segment of a larger A. There is a
main Proxy at corporate, and we were going to get one here as well (but corporate
finally realized the redundancy in it) I know many others that use DHCP with a Proxy
Adam Fritzler wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Matthew H. Fogle wrote:
> >
> > I used to work for AOL. They do know what they are saying; even when you use the
> > winsock connection to the network you are using there DHCP server's IP address
> > assigned to your machine and it does route threw a proxie. Although I personally
> > hate AOL as a provider after working for them I do see it has some nice features
> > that new users and intermeditate users can enjoy...
> Routing through a proxy is an oxymoron. Anyone ever heard of the OSI
> stack? Routing is IP-only (level 3). Proxies run at layers above
> (usually layer 7).
> You obvisously have no idea how DHCP works. By saying that they use DHCP,
> you've invalided your former statement that they use proxies. If you use
> a proxy, most likely you won't go to the trouble of setting up DHCP.
> af
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Adam Fritzler |
> | Animals who are not penguins can
> | can only wish they were.
> | -- Chicago Reader
> | 15 Oct 1982
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------