TI-H: Vaporware
TI-H: Vaporware
Grant wrote:
> > Is everyone still interested in a discrete component TI
> > protocol compatible IR link? Sharp just came out with
> > some new IR things and I'm making the schematic right now.
Andrew Niemants wrote:
> When [you're] done[,] would you post it [somewhere]
> so everyone [can] see?
Yeah, we'll see about this. My next paycheck says we see nothing develop
out of it. BTW, Grant, what's the status of that off-topic list you were
going to set up? And how about this: (I quote) "I'll show you how to
build a 2GB 62.5 hour [MP3] player for $130!" OK, Grant, let's SEE it.
(I'll forgive the obvious typo: 62.5 hr ~= 2.6 days.) While you're at
it, how about the "BackupMaster" [tm]? Oh, and maybe the dedicated TI
I/O card (TI-H message on 4 Sept 1998)? How about the TI-IDE interface
(after Mel was forced to correct 87 different flaws in your HD
knowledge)? While you're at it, why don't you explain to us all what you
mean by this: "If you try hard enough, every 95 program will run
in 31." (12 July 1998)
I do not mean this post to be a flame. I think all of us remember
Grant-bashing week some months ago, and I have no reason to restart that.
My point, however, is worth stating: Grant, SHOW us some of this
wonderful stuff you claim to be designing, don't just brag about it. I
know that right now your 15-year-old brain is trying to come up with a
cocky one-line "you suck" response. DON'T POST IT. Instead, actually
listen to what we are trying to say.
Hey, I had a bad day,
Kevin DeGraaf :)
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