Re: TI-H: linux...


Re: TI-H: linux...

In a message dated 9/13/98 3:14:18 PM Central Daylight Time,

> >Ever hear of Winsock or the appropriate counterpart?  I use AOL simply
>  >because my parents love it and I'm too cheap to pay $20/month for my own
>  >ISP.  I can run any TCP/IP app this way (e.g. Netscape, WS_FTP, mIRC,
>  >NetCB, Kali, Kahn, etc.).  Using the Winsock gateway, no material is
>  >filtered (I speak from personal experience... [smile]).  I must concede,
>  >however, that AOL's refusal to allow us NNTP/SMTP/POP3 access angers me.
>  There is still slow speed and everything is still on a proxy server...

Does anyone care it's on a proxy server?  Do I (who have a 14.4 modem) care
about slow speeds???  No.

Rob Hornick