TI-H: TI Keyboard


TI-H: TI Keyboard

I was thinking about the keyboard thingie that grant developed and i
realized that the only thing stopping the keyboard was a lack of drivers.
I was thinking that the AVR that the keyboard plugs into could be written
to send out 1 byte for each key pressed, and the AVR would handle the
shift and caps and such and then just send the byte to the calc. if no
keys are pressed, then the avr sends out 0, and the calc just waits for a
byte that is not 0. would this work? i originally thought of doing
something like having boolean vars for SHIFT and CAPS and such on the
calc, but then i thought that it would get too complicated for the calc
and it would be better off in the AVR, and i also realized that 1 byte
could cover more keys than needed (256 keys). then the keyboard tsr on the
calc would check the byte and compare it to the keys it has (you get my
drift?) and then just write it to the keyboard buffer, then calc ROM would
take over from there. would this work? If it would work, then i would be
more than happy to learn zshell/usgard just for this. i need to start

I Don't See Why Not
ICQ: 3512251
