Re: TI-H: ROM damn stuff
Re: TI-H: ROM damn stuff
In a message dated 10/30/98 8:56:23 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
> Does anyone have any plans for replacing the RAM with a larger amount
> yet? (I read through ALL of the october articles on expanding memory,
> and it seems the answer is no.) This is pretty much a revolution of the
> TI calc, since the EII really doesn't provide much except backing up
> data (i.e. you are limited with 32K of space, and programs use that as a
> swap drive...) So as soon as someone (yo G) gets plans for it (I am
> assuming they'll be free!) then I'll have to make a TI Hardware page...
the processors are still limited to how much memory they can access, like old
8088/8086 processors could only access 1 meg ram (i think or maybe 16), if the
expander becomes popular though you could make it appear transparent with the
right shells/software, but still be limited to single file size of about 27k