Re: TI-H: Morse-eye


Re: TI-H: Morse-eye

In a message dated 10/27/98 7:09:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Ha there is one kid in my school.... He owns about 4 shirts.  All of them
>  t-shirts with frogs or lizards on them.  He wares them about 3 times in a 
> row,
>  then gets them washed.  He wears the same pair of pants every day (which is
> a
>  khaki colored pair of courduoroys) and he doesn't brush his teeth or comb 
> his
>  hair.  He is the king of nerds!  I wouldn't even mind all this but...
>  HE IS THE MOST ANNOYING PERSON IN THE WORLD!  I used to think he was just
>  misunderstood, but now I sit next to him in History class...  I wish I
>  hide under the table!

do you live in NYC? there is a kid at my camp that is EXACTLY what you just