Re: TI-H: 8 bit stereo sound! (and more)
Re: TI-H: 8 bit stereo sound! (and more)
>I think you are missing the point....
>sure.. works great for sound, and yes there are other ways to create sound
>with a ti calculator, but sound is useless!(mostly) the real point of my
>work is the fast high bandwidth data path (which one aplication posible is
>sound) the limitless _other_ applications are whats important. If all you
>can see of this is the application of sound.....
>anyways some other applications could be:
> high speed multicalc networks (games, data transfer, multicalc
>prossessing of data...)
> device control (LEDs, motors, floppy drives, harddrives, memory
>chips, printers, mice, etc, etc, etc...)
> almost _anything_ else you can think of
30k of band width is enough. :) Multicalc processing is nice to think
about, but untill its done... :)
>sure you can hook up a mircocontroler to your calc through the link port
>and do all this stuff through that, but the calc<->uC data path is too
>slow. this bypasses that by putting the calc in _direct_ control of the
>device in question, weather it be blinking LEDs (a seamingly favorite of
>beginning calc-hardware people), feeding data to an external mp3
>decoder, or writing data to an external IDE harddrive.
The calc has complete controll of the mp3 player... Same with the hard
drive. I don't use uCs in my calc projects. I used discreate parts. The
MP3 player has a 2 wire serial bus anyway.
>just think of all the crazy stuff you could claim to have done using
Do it, then 'claim' :)