TI-H: Morse-eye


TI-H: Morse-eye

Hey guys,

I'm the one that was talking about the foldable keyboard. I've got that
one working just fine. But now I have come up with something new. I
think this is really dope. I was just kinda thinking about some nice
input device for your compu/ticalc. I came up with the idea of using
your eyes and morse code to get some input into your calc. If your eyes
are closed, it's zero and if they're open it's a one, or the other way
    The software part is not all that hard, but the hardware part is.
Does anyone know of some sort of material that you could put on your
eyelid, and that would allow you to get the state of the eye?
    The morse stuff types really fast for me. I've programmed it using
the 2nd button, and it really rules!
