TI-H: fwd: Christmas on the net
TI-H: fwd: Christmas on the net
You asked for it! :)
ORRIGIONALLY: Sent to the AKLUG list... Preliminary plans.
70 Shift registers: $6.75
25 2 bit counters: $2.25
25 4 bit counters: $2.25
AVR: $3
4 Sets of 200 xmas lights: $20 (The 'Made in china' ones will do. :) )
thin board from Eagle: $7 (4x4 feet cut into 4 1x4 pieces)
Okay. lets get off the subject of not having $20 for a CDROM, and the
latest IAI problem and get on to new stuff... ;)
The Tech teacher at Service high says "no one in robitics uses linux". He
also praises NT like its a god saying that no one can break into his
system. He gave me the opportunity to, but I felt sorry for him since he
hadn't even patched WinNuke...well anyway, this guy also things all cool
GCI is installing a fiber link to service high. If they are lucky it will
be a 14.4. :)
No one knows the power or application of a linux/unix machine.
I've had afew ideas for advertising its application. I'm willing to donate
my house for the purpose. :)
I'm drawing up the preliminary source code for an AVR microcontroller that
would take 128 byte sequence macro. Then a simple script on the PC end
would do... The AVR accepts data in standard SPP parallel mode, so its
almost too easy.
This is quite a lame idea, I agree, but what other way will people see
linux being used? Certainly not at any schools (ie Service) and most
buisness don't use it.
Maybe a giant array of lights on the house to make a scrooling message.
Well, no. Some people would abuse that. ;)
Any other days? I think to advocate it, we need to show linux doing
something other than www/ftp/telnet. Even if it is 10x faster than 98 or
NT, their excuse is probably "NT is already installed" or "NT does the
'same' thing"
Oh well, just some ideas. Put a banner on the house to advertise the AKLUG
list. :)
Okay. 70 shift registers and 4 sets of 200 christmas lights would work...
Shift registers are cheep! :)
.***. *...* *.... *...* .***. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... *.... .**..
*...* *..*. *.... *...* *...* ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... *.... ..*..
*...* *.*.. *.... *...* *.... ..... *...* *...* *...* ..... .***. *..*. ..*..
*...* **... *.... *...* *..** ..... *...* *...* *...* ..... ....* *.*.. ..*..
***** *.*.. *.... *...* *...* ..... *.*.* *.*.* *.*.* ..... .**** **... ..*..
*...* *..*. *.... *...* *...* ..... *.*.* *.*.* *.*.* ..**. *...* *.*.. ..*..
*...* *...* ***** .***. .**** ..... .*.*. .*.*. .*.*. ..**. .**** *..*. .***.
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .***. ..*.. ..... .***. .***. .***.
..... .**** ..... ..... ..... .**** ..... *...* .**.. ..**. *...* *...* *...*
*...* *...* ..... .***. *.**. *...* ..... *..** ..*.. ..**. ....* *...* *...*
*...* *...* ..... *...* **..* *...* ..... *.*.* ..*.. ..... ...*. .**** *...*
*...* .**** ..... *...* *.... .**** ..... **..* ..*.. ..... ..*.. ...*. *****
*..** ....* ..**. *...* *.... ....* ..... *...* ..*.. ..**. .*... ..*.. *...*
.**.* .***. ..**. .***. *.... .***. ..... .***. .***. ..**. ***** **... *...*
Allignment of XMAS lights... 1x20 chars (scrolling if not enoug room)
Ok. NOW I'm getting carried away! :) I already know this is lame. :)
I think I want to make this just for fun, but what should we make it do?
Send an e-mail to an address to the server or should we restrict it to
AKLUG members?
I own a set of apartments close to the old seward highway... We could put
the sign on that! :)