Re: TI-H: K questions.


Re: TI-H: K questions.

Hmmm...  I'm not sure what his, yours, or mine have to do with TI hardware.

Oh well.  :)


>Uhm, just one tiny little question..."How does this relate to TI
>Hardware?" Other than the fact that both TI's and DOS have the concept of
>TSR's, I can't see any possible relationship. However, if you wish to
>e-mail me privately, I do know Turbo Pascal, and I know for a fact that
>version 7 has some nice features for writing DOS TSR's. If you're doing it
>for windows, I would highly recommend doing it in some other language
>(i.e. C) because of how much easier it is to make Windows calls in C. If
>you want help on either one, please e-mail me PRIVATELY...Keep the list as
>close to topic as possible, the listserver thanks you.
>-- Jon Olson
>On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, StoryTelr Jedi Knight wrote:
>> k does anyone know anything on Turbo Pascal, either for Mac, or IBM
>> (preferbably both).  on conversion from MAC, to IBM pascal, for
>> commands, graphics, and anything else.
>> and on for the IBM programming, i am trying to make a timer for my
>> laptop, so that i can know ho wmuch time i will have left for running
>> on the battery.  so like, to make in run in the back ground for win,
>> or dos.  and (so making it a TSR program) and so if i hit alt+7  it
>> would popup with that timer.
>> anyone have any ideas???
>> - nw(
>> ==
>> A rose is a beautiful thing,
>> A sunset is a gorgeous sight,
>> but the one thing that is best of all,
>> is someone to see it with.
>> - StoryTelr August 6th, 1998 2:31 am
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