Re: TI-H: TI-86 Slowdown with EL backlight
Re: TI-H: TI-86 Slowdown with EL backlight
>From: Adam Davis <>
>Well, it sounds like the inverter is injecting noise into the power
Is there an echo in here? <g>
>Depending on the circuit and chip the calc uses, it may be that
>the processor uses the frequency of the inverter instead of its own
Interesting, I hadn't thought of that.
>You should put a filter capacitor in parallel with the
>inverter, close to it.
Have tried that, but not as close to the inverter as possable.
I'll give that a try. Hopefully I be able to check it with a
'scope before and after.
>You may even need a choke in the line as well.
Possably, although I have no idea what frequency the noise is,
so I wouldn't know what value choke to use. I suppose I could
just use a big one to test it, I have a 2.0H, think that would
be enough for a test? :)
>Try another inverter, if you have one.
Nope, this is the only one I know of that is small enough
and has appropriate output power charastics for the lamp.
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