Re: TI-H: e(g)
Re: TI-H: e(g)
The e(g) is a storage device. It is I2C compatable. It has the ability to
send its drivers to the recieving calc. It has DRAM and IDE harddrive
interfaces, and maybe more, (Grant?) If you want the real source, ask
Grant, for he is the one making the e(g) (hence the name)
Grant- What kind of interface do those new 320MB IBM drives use? The ones
the size of a few half-dollars...
-Miles Raymond
-----Original Message-----
From: Gusenbauer Stefan <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 1998 10:15 AM
Subject: TI-H: e(g)
>What exactly does e(g) do?
>Has anyone a plan for it?
>Gusenbauer Stefan