Re: TI-H: e(g) driver


Re: TI-H: e(g) driver

-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 1998 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: TI-H: e(g) driver

>>Grant- Is it possible to detect if the calc is in "recieve" mode?  And is
>>possible to detect which calc is connected?  If it is possible, would you
>>make the e(g) check for this when it is first connected, so that the e(g)
>>could send the driver over to the calc.  Does this sound technically
>>feasable?  If the other two wuestions are not feasable, then maybe the
>>could put the calc in "recieve" mode, and press a button on the e(g) to
>>the drivers.  There could be a different button for each calc or each
>The E(g) or whatever times out after 20 seconds.  It will attempt to send
>it for 20 seconds.  I have a 3 bit function select for different types of
>storage/interfaces ect.
>The E(g) just starts the handshake, and if the calc doesn't do anything it
>gives up.  THe calc does the same in calc/computer communications.

But that's just the handshake.  Does it try to send the e(g) drivers?

>>of calc ie:
>>   73 O
>>82/83 O
>>85/86 O
>>89/92 O
>>(the Os are buttons)

Very descriptive response... =P

I guess what I was trying to say is "Will the e(g) be able to send its
drivers to a calc that has absolutely nothing on it?"  How about a senerio?

1. You are at school
2. You have an e(g)  (OK, so it's not built yet... just imagine, will ya?)
3. You have an 82
4. You are in CrASH
5. You can effectively use your e(g)
6. You are playing a game
7. Your calc CrASHes
8. You reset your calc
9. You now have:
 a. A TI-82 which has *nothing* on it
 b. A TI-link
 c. An e(g) with CrASH, the e(g) driver, and your game

What I am suggesting is that a button be on the e(g) that sends the e(g)
driver to the calc of the corresponding button.  Here's the end of the
senerio if this were true.

10. You connect your TI-link to your 82 and your e(g)
11. You put your 82 in recieve mode (2nd LINK RECIEVE)
12. You press the "82/83" button on the e(g)
13. You wait for the transfer to finish
14. You run the e(g) driver
15. You copy all of your files back onto your 82

And everyone is happy, the world is at peace, yadda, yadda, yadda...  =)

-Miles Raymond
