Re(2): TI-H: TI Network - TIN
Re(2): TI-H: TI Network - TIN
yes!!!! now people are finally getting the idea of i2c! i've been
preaching ozone's creation for a while, and now finally people know what
it is. adding blinking lights is even easier than what you explained
grant, there are simple schems on the blinking link page. you should find
the link on that hardware page some guy on the list has. you just need
leds and maybe a resistor or something.
you never reply when i ask if you are going to make the e(g) i2c
compatable. please reply with just a yes or a no. ok, fine i wont go over
there and make love to you, but i might just send you a love sheep.
I Don't See Why Not
ICQ: 3512251