Re: TI-H: TI-85 power with screen off??


Re: TI-H: TI-85 power with screen off??

Get a recitifier and some HUGE resistors.  Play with the value, make a
dividing circut, then just plug your calc into the wall...


>Hope no one replied, if so this'll be a repeat.  Try in one of the 85
>ports/ram/rom.txt  There should be a Zshell command to turn off the
>screen.  Dines should know.
>On Fri, 25 Sep 1998 10:36:20 PDT "David Knaack" <>
>>Ok, I have a question about using the TI-85 as a kind of
>>dedicated processor.
>>I'd like to be able to set the calc up to monitor something,
>>for instance the temperature of a room.  Since the calc will
>>be on and collecting data for an indefinate period, I'd like
>>to drop its power consumption as low as possable.
>>Does anyone know if there is a way to put the TI-85 into some
>>kind of 'sleep' mode?  I'd also like to make sure the screen
>>is set to consume as little power as possable.
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