RE: TI-H: about one thing...
RE: TI-H: about one thing...
Uninterupted Power Supply. So when the power goes out, or surges, your
computer does not get the surge, and you still have power even if there is
no electricity (for a limited time, of course) usually it is connected to
the computer, and then when it goes to the backup power, it tells the
computer, which tells you to save everything quick and shut down. That
way, you don't lose anything. Better UPS systems have good backup
batteries, and can sustain power for extended periods of time, long enough
for a company to switch to backup power, or long enough for the power to
come back on by itself.
At 01:57 PM 10/6/98 -0700, you wrote:
>what is UPS?
>- nw(
>---Gregory Whitmore <> wrote:
>> I got an UPS system from a dumpster. The only thing wrong with it
>was the
>> fuse was blown. What kind of moron throws something like that away
>becuz of
>> a blown fuse? Get this, it was a small computer repair place. Ha!
>> Greg
>A rose is a beautiful thing,
>A sunset is a gorgeous sight,
>but the one thing that is best of all,
>is someone to see it with.
>- StoryTelr August 6th, 1998 2:31 am
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