Re: TI-H: EII to Computer Programme
Re: TI-H: EII to Computer Programme
>From: Grant Stockly <>
>>[The EII to computer transfer program] currently does not exist.
>>I don't have any data on the format the EII driver wants the data
>>stored, so I can't do much with it.
>The driver has all the info in plain assembly.
I'm sure it does, but I will only refer to the driver source
if the author has a big 'ol comment section included that
explains the data format in detail. I'm not going to go
poking thru someone elses ASM code for a processer totaly
alien to me trying to figure out what its doing, I have
better things to do.
If there is as much interest in this program as some of you
have indicated, then somebody ought to have the initative
to write up a document on the data storage format. Such
a document would be good refrence for anyone wishing to
do Expander based hardware.
David Knaack <>
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