TI-H: Is this the TI-Hardware list?
TI-H: Is this the TI-Hardware list?
I'm just curious if this is the TI-Hardware list. It seems that
everyone here talks about anything, except for Hardware issues on TI
calcs. Mostly it seems like boasting and arguing. Is there any sort of
list moderator?
At any rate,
Does anyone have a bare-bones code for receiving and sending CBL
protocol? I'm programming PICs, but can convert that code from
anything. I simply don't want to re-invent the wheel, if somebody's
done it.
P.S. No, I don't want to hear about AVR, or any other alternative uCs.
I don't want to hear about:
1) whether your MP3 software doesn't work
2) whether a certian processor implements cisc or risc
3) which computer is faster or slower or more powerful or does things
like make you lunch.
4) how you think you can make a useful machine from a bunch of old
5) why you run more than one OS on a system at a time
6) your internet prowess, IP address, own domain name, ping instructions
7) how to obtain software illegally
8) how awsome you think you are at programming, thinking, farting, etc.