Re: TI-H: risc
Re: TI-H: risc
Ummm... :) The 68k still isn't fully RISC. It is a combo. The 68060 is
almost fully, but not totally.
The instruction sets and and times havn't changed, except for a few new
instructions. The only reason they are so fast is because of 32k of
onboard CPU cache.
>No... all 68K series Mac's are RISC. The only one that is close to CISC is
>the 68020, but it is still considered RISC in its twisted little way. BTW: I
>meant .04 micron in that "MMX" thing I was talking about before. Just in
>case someone picked that up and decided to flame...
>> >What? I'm sure I speak for anyone on this list, but PPC's themselves are
>> >MacOS is the problem, no one likes it and hopefully "Rhapsody" will
>> >upon the MacOS, and it will at least get rid of the ugly name. Unless,
>> >is, they decide to release it under MacX or whatever.
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Its good to know you still have irrelevant info I love, maybe we
>> >> make it formal :)
>> >> ---
>> >> I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to
>> >
>> >> developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs,
>> >
>> >> with creativity and multimedia for all.
>> Whats even uglier is the size of an inel processor... VHS casette?
>> Any 680x0 mac is CISC, but could also be classified as RISC in some
>> Grant
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