Re: TI-H: Ahhh It's good to be back.


Re: TI-H: Ahhh It's good to be back.

>What? I'm sure I speak for anyone on this list, but PPC's themselves are OK.
>MacOS is the problem, no one likes it and hopefully "Rhapsody" will improve
>upon the MacOS, and it will at least get rid of the ugly name. Unless, that
>is, they decide to release it under MacX or whatever.
>> Its good to know you still have irrelevant info I love, maybe we should
>> make it formal :)
>> ---
>> I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to the
>> developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs, indestructible,
>> with creativity and multimedia for all.

Whats even uglier is the size of an inel processor...  VHS casette?

Any 680x0 mac is CISC, but could also be classified as RISC in some areas.

