Re: TI-H: Tape recorder to store data
Re: TI-H: Tape recorder to store data
><> wrote:
>> Could it be possible to store data of a calc to a tape recorder, ie
>on a
>> tape with some electronic stuff and a cable ? You could connect your
>calc to
>> your walkman for example and save games and programs, so you can
>> these data in case of a crash, without needing a computer.
>> MP <> <>
>Yes, it is possible, but you would either need to use a controller to
>send an ack. or you would have to record the transmission of a backup
>from a computer to a calc, and play it back afterwards. I was planning
>to use my mindisc recorder for this, but i've throwed away this idea
>some time ago and i'm planning to make a normal expander (and i
>suggest you do the same.)
You have to do a lot more than just ack...