Re: TI-H: Tape recorder to store data
Re: TI-H: Tape recorder to store data
Sorry, I didn't know it has already been discussed.
If we could connect a calc to a tape recorder instead of a microphone, and
record all the memory on the tape, it would probably work. And then, to
restore, just connect your calc to a walkman and run the tape. Of course, a
program for the interface would have to be done to send and receive datas in
the good format. If we send the datas coded into the same format as the
output of a microphone, it would work.
MP <> <>
>Well, it would cost more for a tape player backup that it would to use a
>1GB HD...
>Its been dicussed before, and its not worth while. :)
>>Could it be possible to store data of a calc to a tape recorder, ie on a
>>tape with some electronic stuff and a cable ? You could connect your calc
>>your walkman for example and save games and programs, so you can recover
>>these data in case of a crash, without needing a computer.
>>MP <> <>