Re: TI-H: Radio Link (URL?????)
Re: TI-H: Radio Link (URL?????)
Right now YOU have proved nothing to me. You don't have to waste your time
bitching about all of the great things you've done and nothing that I've
done, because I don't need to prove anything to you. I never made any
claims that I intended to build anything, I just theorized, and we all know
theory is wrong 50% of the time. You have a lot of useless info on your page
to a normal person and I wouldn't be advertising it on places like ""
where normal people go to find info on where they can get an MPEG player.
If you want to "say" your player works, go ahead, but I myself don't believe
it until I see it.
On Sun, 22 Nov 1998 00:35:09 -0900, Grant Stockly wrote:
> >I don't know about you, but my CD player has digital audio... and it was
> >about $300.
> And you know what? Thats digital audio, not digital data. Its a
> stream of bits about 512k times a second. Its not data at all. Its a
> stream. The digital audio goes into a dac. All FM transmitters are
> analogue at the transmitter stage because modulation is accomplished
> >OK whatever, you can say all of this stuff, but it doesn't
> >matter anyway, because it is definately possible, but I doubt anyone
> >care about a fucking calculator that much to do it. If you've never
> >with digital signals before, maybe you should try it. You CAN (with
> >support of course) accomplish a simple FM transmitter for the calc for
> >in parts.
> I work with digital signals all of the time. You have to have:
> 1. Microcontroller $5.72
> 2. High accuracy ADC $9.11
> 3. High accuracy DAC $8.43
> 4. PLL circutry $4.00
> 5. digital noise filters $10
> 6. misc components $13
> 7. 20 hours of programming time
> 8. 14 hours of debug time
> You may be able to modulate data with no problem, but beleive me, is
> harder than you think.
> Before you put my ability down, why don't you go reasearch it?
> It isn't that ILlogical to do it and I'd rather not waste time
> >talking about it, cuz I have a lot of better things to do than make it. I
> >still waiting for that MP3 player *taps foot*!!!!
> I'm still waiting for any thing from you. There is enough info there to
> build the portable and teathered player. It just requires knowlege in
> electronic theory, which you don't have if you think it can't be done at
> this point.
> >You can complain all you
> >would like, but it is definately possible to encode/decode in RF
> You have to change the analog signals into digital signals. But with a
> whole bunch of filter parts, a PLL, and other stupid things not worth
> mentioning.
> >seeing that you'll have some opposing reply to this, as you always do,
> only when people are wrong, which you are here. You can't just throw a
> here, an adc there, there is weeks of engineering involved to get just
> PCB finished. Most people never can get a working RF board, so they have
> to buy it.
> >then
> >let me take, for example, the ability to send pseudo-analogue signals
> >the data port to create "musical" signals...
> okay. Now the little red siren is going off... What you are doing with
> the calculator is immitating 1bit sound using 1 wire! What a concept!
> 1bit music created by the switching of a wire! Its still digital.
> you build a resistor array with the proper values, its digital.
> >now with that ability anything
> >is possible with software engineering....
> Thats not music. Thats a 1bit dac accomplished by sending bits out the
> link port. Its also not done by software.
> if you can proove that a ADC and DAC can be programmed in software, you'd
> be richer than bill gates. (that isn't going to happen)
> According to your theory, the RF link already made for TI calcs would
> But it doesn't.
> Again, research your theories. mel tsai talked exactly about these
> a while back. look in the archives.
> Grant
> With that said, tell me how you can do this on a calc with one wire.
> 109.001MHz -
> / \
> /-\ / --- /-\ /---
> 109MHz ---/ \ /-----/ \ | \-- \--------------
> \- \ /
> 108.998MHz \------/
> Here is what you can do with one wire.
> 5v /-------\ /-------
> / \ / \
> 0v ----/ \--------/ \------------
> The calc isn't tristate, so it is either on or off.
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