TI-H: Help with link cable.....
TI-H: Help with link cable.....
I have a 92+, and I want to transfer stuff from my comp to it, and vice
versa. Before I got the '+', I made a parallel cable, and everything
worked. But now, I can only send stuff to my calc......if I want to send it
back to my comp, I have to use Flink, and then type R to receive......it
then puts it in tmp.92_
This file is then compleatly useless, nothing will read it, plus I can't
send it back to my calc, or else flink will choke, and start saying stuff
like "Sending res4.92p....." and then under that "&$#Voltage
Divider@!#......" Why? When I try to convert it in any way, the converting
program just locks with a runtime error. Is there any program that works
with a 92+ besides Flink???? I also saved a pic (a graph) and tried to send
it to my computer, it sent it, saved it as tmp.92_ and nothing will open
it! I tried several windows picture viewers, and they just kept saying
either Unrecognized File Type, or Bad Header, or Bad Folder, or Bad Name,
Whats wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There HAS to be someone who can transfer files to
and from their 92+ without buying TI's Graph-Link cable!!!!!!!!!!!!