ReRe: TI-H: big music project


ReRe: TI-H: big music project

Aside from the documentation that Micronas provides and other IC references,
how did you go about putting it all together? I mean you don't just throw in
a 1.54MHz osc here and a 12pF capacitor there... I mean putting together a
MP3 player without going to EE school defeats the need to go to college to
become an EE (for the most part).  So how did you learn how to piece it
together? I would be very interested in knowing.

On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 15:57:59 -0900, Grant Stockly wrote:

> ><<
> > Nope.  I've got a 4.0.  School bores me.  Especially math and science.
> > want to take precalc/trig or atleast algebra 2 but they are making me
> > geometry my freshman year...
> >
> > Grant >>
> >
> >shnikes!  school bores me too but i suck at english! and every subject at
> >school revovles around it!  do you go to a public school?   all my tests
> >in essay form! damnit!  i can't wait to go to public high school next
> >I love bubble tests!  =)
> I go to a public, but preppy school on hill side Anchorage.  (A......well
> off part of anchorage.  :)  )
> >the teachers don't care about the students either! its not like its a
> >school... 30 kids in the 8th grade
> >the only luck i've had with good teachers is math where i will take
algebra 2
> >after december.. of course I do have to do it on my own...  :-/
> >btw: where do you learn everything grant?  i can't find a single site
> >discusses mp3 format...
> Mel helped me a little last november, he gave me a few internet sites,
> i went from there.
> Grant

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