Re: Re(2): TI-H: big music project


Re: Re(2): TI-H: big music project

> Nope.  I've got a 4.0.  School bores me.  Especially math and science.  I
> want to take precalc/trig or atleast algebra 2 but they are making me take
> geometry my freshman year...
> Grant >>
>shnikes!  school bores me too but i suck at english! and every subject at my
>school revovles around it!  do you go to a public school?   all my tests are
>in essay form! damnit!  i can't wait to go to public high school next year...
>I love bubble tests!  =)

I go to a public, but preppy school on hill side Anchorage.  (A......well
off part of anchorage.  :)  )

>the teachers don't care about the students either! its not like its a crowded
>school... 30 kids in the 8th grade
>the only luck i've had with good teachers is math where i will take algebra 2
>after december.. of course I do have to do it on my own...  :-/
>btw: where do you learn everything grant?  i can't find a single site that
>discusses mp3 format...

Mel helped me a little last november, he gave me a few internet sites, then
i went from there.

