TI-H: keyboard and radio link


TI-H: keyboard and radio link

since that damned string started, I just deleted all mail that i received
that had the word radio/wireless in the subject. so has a working radio
link been produced? if so, dont just tell me that there are plans on the
internet, i'd like it if you find them and give them to me. and you know
what i just realized? i just remembered that i own a small 1.5 mile radius
AM station. sweet. once i get a working rf link, i'll serve up an E(g) on
740 AM. of course, the station can't _receive_ rf signals, but maybe a one
sided driver could be made. wait, 1 sided wouldn't work, b/c i'd have to
be there at the station to start the transmission, ok, never mind. it was
a stupid idea. but maybe i can amp an rf link to cover my school. that
would be cool. 

oh yeah, while i'm making a post i might as well talk about the keyboard.
i'm almost done with the drivers, and i realized that if i were a z80, i'd
take a look at this code and say "dammit, i cant run this 1/200 of a
second!" so i was thinking about how the keyboard works and i noticed that
a driverless version could (possibly) be made. it would be a pain in the
ass the develop and make, but it would be 6000% more efficient than an i2c
version. the keypad works by sensing different voltage changes on the pcb
and interpreting these as keys being pressed. maybe an avr chip could
emulate the voltage changes for the z80 and there could be a switch to
switch between the keypad and the plug in keyboard. tell me what you
think. here's a link to the schematic of the 85  

I Don't See Why Not
ICQ: 3512251