Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)


Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)

>What does everyone seem to think that my filesystem spec is difficult, slow,
>or both? It's not all that hard to implement, you just step through the
>bytes in the bitmap, until you find one that's not 0xff, and then see if >x
>blocks are free (1 sector chaining would be too slow, we cal all agree on
>that). But please, it's really not that hard to do, it requires a few extra
>bytes in the file header, and an extra flag bit (maybe, you might even just
>say "if the NextSegment head/cyl/track isn't 0, then assume there's more to
>this file somewhere else") Overall, if it's fast enough for PC's to access
>multi-gig data files hundreds of times a day, i think it's fast enough to go
>through a 5 meg file at 30K/sec, and as i keep vehemently declaring, it's
>NOT hard to implement.

Sure, but the AVR is VERY hard to make multitasked programs on. You'd have
to have the HD running while the player was sending the data to the MAS to
have a full blown FAT16 or any other fat system.

The reason I made my own fat was because it worked at the speed needed, and
was efficient...

