Re: Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/Infrared/Laser Communications


Re: Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/Infrared/Laser Communications

No... CISC combines instructions so it is basically like when a CISC 
does 1 instruction, it Could be the same as 2 RISC instructions... now 
this pretty much applicable in some cases, but other advanced cases like 
graphics, RISC IS better... but you CANT go around saying "oh cisc is 
better" cuz that isn't necessarily true, although it could be true... IT 
ALL DEPENDS on the app...

>Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 18:32:58 -0900
>From: Grant Stockly <>
>Subject: Re: Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/Infrared/Laser Communications
>Ummm...  :)  No.
>In any application, a shorter instruction cycle is better...
>Explain yourself.
>>yea, thats cuz it is REDUCED instruction... LIKE I said, it ALL 
>>on the application...
>>>RISC CPUs based on instruction cycle are faster...
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