Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)
Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)
its not that hard. :) I'll post docs about it once I get a chance. :)
I'm using the same FS taht commodore's used on their IDE hds.
>That may work... for maybe a little bit, but sooner or later there will
>be too many scattered words and it will have to be defragged... so no
>matter what a defrag is necessary. Also, if you transfer your whole CD,
>vinyl, tape collection to a 7 gig HDD, then if you remove
>ABBA_-_some_song and you remove ZZ_TOP_-_some_song, then if you want to
>put a song on that was bigger than both of those, then it would have to
>go partially into abba and partially into zz_top, so I dunno how that
>would effect it, but unless there is RAM, then it is pretty much
>skrewed... any comments? I may be wrong, but it seems logical...