Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)
Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)
>From: "Jon Olson" <>
>I meant eliminate the need for constant defragmenting for those of us
>have large, ever changing mp3 playlists,
I don't follow. Are you agreeing that the player should
have the ability to defragment its file system when
songs have been deleted?
> and no, i didn't read your post
>because you haden't sent it when i replied :>
Well, i've deleted it now, but I think the message you were
replying to had the entire post I was refering to quoted
at the bottom, but no matter.
>Also, I've starded work on a nice Windows based program that will talk
via a
>serial port to his device.
I guess we are assuming it will support RS232 (I think
Grant mentioned that was pretty easy to do with his AVRs).
>Because i'm in windows NT, serial i/o is a lot easier tha parallel i/o
>to make ~30 i/o calls to write to the parallel port directly so i've
Yes, serial is MUCH easier, I have done both. At least
windows gives you control over the individual serial port
lines, and will notify you when there is data to receive.
I haven't figured out how to get windows to let me set
specific parallel port lines, or notify me when a line has
changed state. I have resorted to direct hardware access
to control the port (which you can do on NT too, last time
I checked, you just have to remove the port from NTs
resources, it doesn't restrict access to resources it doesn't
know about :)
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