Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)
Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)
From: Grant Stockly <>
>>>the easiest (for computer literate) and least expensive would be too use
>>>standard ide interface and plug it in to the controller cable
>>Possably, except that would require rebooting ones computer
>>in many cases, and unless the MP3 uses a FAT (NTFS, etc) file
>>system (or someone wants to write file system drivers for it),
>>the interface program will be forced to access the drive directly,
>>which is a pain. I have done this in win95 before, but
>>its not really a windows friendly way to program, and makes the
>>interface program that much more difficult to write.
>I don't like any fat system that MS uses... The AVR can't think as hard as
>those PIIs...
I wasn't suggesting that it should, I agree that it would be overkill.
I'd prefer to see a simple table type file system that the MP3 player
maintains, with a serial interface to the computer. To add songs
the computer simply notifies the player that a new song should
be added, then starts downloading the song data, which the
player than stores as it feels appropriate.
Would be nice if the file structure included a provision for
user defined data, and player to computer uploading. This
could be a handy way to carry around data that won't fit on
a floppy. if the protocol was a simply ASCII system you could
send and receive files with a straight terminal program, eliminating
the need for a special transfer program on the computer, while
leaving the option for one open.