Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)
Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)
From: <>
>In a message dated 11/3/98 11:40:54 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
>> BTW, how do you get MP3's onto the HD?? It would be neat
>> to be able to hook the player up to the computer and add/delete
>> songs from the players HD.
>> DK
>the easiest (for computer literate) and least expensive would be too use
>standard ide interface and plug it in to the controller cable
Possably, except that would require rebooting ones computer
in many cases, and unless the MP3 uses a FAT (NTFS, etc) file
system (or someone wants to write file system drivers for it),
the interface program will be forced to access the drive directly,
which is a pain. I have done this in win95 before, but
its not really a windows friendly way to program, and makes the
interface program that much more difficult to write.