Re: TI-H: (g):site
Re: TI-H: (g):site
yeah, grant, your site is really f'd up:
the following is an excerpt from attempting to go into the conferences on
the server through web access. its all well and good to be secure, but it
doenst even ask for my password/userid.
<title>401 unauthorized</title>
Unauthorized Access
The requested resource resides in a secure realm on this server.
This page has been requested 2028 times since 9/7/98 12:06
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All text here is © Grant Stockly 1998
At 08:35 PM 11/2/98 EST, you wrote:
>Is it me or does your site not like me? I got the second half of the HDD
>schematics, but the server resets the connection when I try to get the
>first half...
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