Re: TI-H: Acceleration + Parallel cable
Re: TI-H: Acceleration + Parallel cable
I don't about the parallel port adapter, I have run mine on a PII 333Mhz and it
worked fine, but then on other PCs (slower) it didn't work at all. I am
planning to put a variable capacitor into my 92 this week. I just got the parts
in this weekend. I like the variable cap better, it will give more control over
some programs. I will et ya know how it goes.
> Has anyone tried to accelerate his TI-92 calculator as described in the
> site ?
> I plan to do so and I would like to have a second opinion about it. :)
> What is TI-92 II that is described in the article about acceleration ?
> Is there any problems if you upgrade to 92-Plus later ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Vassilis Papanikolaou
> <>