Re: TI-H: 86 upgrades?
Re: TI-H: 86 upgrades?
From: Richard Piotter <>
>For the backlight, I DO NOT recomend the LED backlight shown on my
page. I
>would recomend an EL backlight. Contact David Knaack
<> for
>info on purchasing the Indiglo style panel. It's very clear and
bright! He has
>a detailed page, but I forgot the address (for the 10 billionth time
:). Ask him.
Hey Rich, what do you think about linking my EL backlight page into
pages? Maybe set it up so it opens into the lower frame, but leaves
header there? I can reformat my page so it matches the style of
>As for power expansion, my instructions aren't the best, but they are
OK. Ask
>me if you have ANY questions.
I'm working on installing a connector for an external power supply
for my calc right now. I'm using a 2.5mm jack (similar to the link
port jack). Pluging in the power cord disconnects the main batteries
and connects a regulated (7805 or 7806) supply. This way when I am
at home transfering programs or whatever I can run using a power cord,
and save the batteries for later.
I'll post about my success (or failure :)