Re: TI-H: ti-injector
Re: TI-H: ti-injector
two storys:
My dad worked at a place that tested missles, he had to deal with a lot of microwave stuff. Sumtimes when he would work on an antennia they would not know wether it was live or not. One day my dad was repairing an antennia and someone came to him when he was done and said "um, you ok? that antenna was running..." The next day my dad discovered a small black spot on the side of his eyeball, It never went away.
My dad knew someone else in the same profession that, after fixing an antenna, waved his thumb infrount of it to see if he could feel anything. About a week later a marble-sized ball of cooked flesh surfaced on his thum.
also, does anyone wanna buy a microwave magnetron? I have one.
>>>>I could make a 2.45 Ghz transciver from a microwave
>>>>kind of dangerous though....
>>>Then only give it 5 watts of power.
>>Untill the FCCs truck is in your neighbor hood. turn it to 500 watts
>for a
>>few seconds, and their equipment will go dead... :]
>and you get a brain tumor the size of a baseball...
>anyone know if standing near one of these things is harmfull... i asume
>it is...
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