TI-H: getting parts


TI-H: getting parts

I needed relays shiped to me in less then a week for a project, tech america costs $4 for about a week and $8 for rush! and the prices were same a radioshack, All electronics was rediculosly cheep (ten relays for $8 instead of $3.50 apeace) but they got me on shiping and handleing. I ended up going to radio shack and paying the same price as I would have but I had to get all diferent kinds because Radio shack dosn't sell in bulk.
The bottom line is I need to know who to get the lowest mail-order price for most parts and who has good rush prices.
I know already that All electronics is probly cheapest because they buy company's surpus.
I know you guys know this so thanks for your help!

-captain worthless

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