Re: TI-H: TI-MemSwitch


Re: TI-H: TI-MemSwitch

1) putting the ram externaly would require about 40 wires running into 
the calc. why on earth would you want that?  we are talking about an 
actual RAM upgrade.. not a storage device anyway. I would hate to see 
what would happed if you unpluged it while your calc was on. stick with 
piggy back.

2)you cant use more than one chip for obvious reasons... it is obvious 
to you isn't it?  memory addressing :) 

3)do you have a 1.7? if not then I doubt you will be able to do the 
upgrade, since it requires finding the correct adressing pins and so 
fourth with a logic tester... its only been mapped with a 1.7 ( I have 
mapped my 1.4, but I havent been able to find the RAM chip I need)

4)the capacitor i used was 8pf if you replace it you will get 3x speed. 
Oviously if you use a switch you will need around a 4pf cap.
to get 3x

I dont know how you are with soldering...also be sure you are 
comftorable with small soldering jobs and you have a good needle tip 
Soldering iron... practice on some junk SMD from an old piece of 
electronics first.

beacause if you screw up... it will be almost imposable to get the ram 
chip unsoldered without overheating it....

just some thoughts...

>Can you remember which capsater it is?  I was thinking about trying 
>that memory up grade for the ram, but instead of sautering the new 
>ram chip on top of the old one,  assembeling it in an external 
>housing where you could add more than one chip and a backup power 
>No where usa

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