Re: TI-H: Rights to EII


Re: TI-H: Rights to EII

you sold your mp3 hardware to who?
>>Okay, I see a minor problem here...  every other design was given 
away, and now
>>you want to SELL yours?
>not every one...
>>Best of luck, but that mentality's going to spark more
>>competition and vaporware than anyone on this lists cares to see 
>well, then it will happen.  I'm not going to be uncompensated for 
months of
>>appreciate the work that you've put into it, but you're heading into 
>>serious gray area.
>hey!  I sold my mp3 device and I didn't have any trouble...
>btw, I want a recordable CD player.  :)
>>Grant Stockly wrote:
>>> Who wants to buy reproduction rights to the EII?  Its a boreing 
project for
>>> me and I want a recordable CD player...
>>> Heres the info:
>>> The firmware chips cost $2.50 to buy, and You can sell them easily 
for $10.
>>> I have about 60 orders I need filled for chips...  that means alot 
>>> people want chips...  (hint hint)
>>> At 7.50 profit per chip, thats $450.  And there are a whole lot more 
>>> havn't looked at yet...
>>> I don't know how much I'll sell the rights to the project for, give 
me a
>>> price...  :)

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