Re: Re: TI-H: Turboed 85
Re: Re: TI-H: Turboed 85
Turboed 85s, especialy if they are diferent speeds on a DIP switch like mine, need a lot of electrical tape inside to stop shorting. It's a good precaution, even if your shure.
here are the two problems I had and how I fixed them:
1 problem: every time I squeezed it the screen would go crazy with horizonal lines.
solution: electrical tape between posible short areas
2 problem: case did not close properly
solution: right under the blank spot next to the backup battery there is a small orange box, a surface-mount electrolitic capacitor.(this is ROM ver 10.00 :D) I desoldered it, fliped it around, I soldered the left side of it back to the pad it was on (pad on right) and ran a small thick wire from the right of it to the pad on the left. polarity is not reversed, and the little wire dosn't efect anything! by the way that was with the calc face-down, link port facing you.
I hope this helped somebody.
captain wothless
"I like bread"
>>I turboed my TI-85 a few days ago, worked great...until today.
>>Today, it just dosent work anymore. It seems like it is on turbo
>>no matter which way you switch it! I check all the connections
>>and all appear find inside....I have to turn it to what before was turbo
>>to get it to even receive files from my computer..
>>Followed turbo directions from the you can see how
>>I turboed it from there...
>On my turboed 85 I can receive files when it's on turbo. It goes the
>same speed on the link port. Something is probably screwed up with the
>connection. Check to make sure that the wires aren't cramped.
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