Re: TI-H: Please Read
Re: TI-H: Please Read
>>Now I have 2 choices:
>>1. Tell his step-dad(very strict ex-marine heh heh heh >:'| of what
>>did[Mature Way]
>I'd have to say that the mature way would be to recognize that
>what he did was pretty much harmless but annoying and forget the
>whole deal, since any revenge action will of course require that
>he initiate counter-revenge actions. Vicious cycle you see,
>>2. Tell you his address and have some fun[Real fun but aka. "Immature
>Kind of a non-option really, just makes you look like a
>'tattle-tail' or 'squeeler', running to athority for
>trivial matters.
>Personally, I'd just clean up my mail account and drop it,
>and invest the energy in something constructive. However,
>if it will make you feel better, or you just want something
>to do, I'd go with option number 2, it should be more fun
>Oh, you can always mail him a dead dog too (make sure it
>is particularly putrid and maggot infested).
Well I decided to just forget this stupid matter. I just needed an hour
to collect my thoughts and get on with my life. Sure I may never trust
him again, but i'll just see what happens.
I'll close this account and resubscribe to this list.
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