Re: Kit Problem-Please read ( was Re: TI-H: backlight...)
Re: Kit Problem-Please read ( was Re: TI-H: backlight...)
Hey the calc i took apart was the broken one.. i just took the foam out of
it .. i wanted to see how hard it was. But my good calc is just sitting
here.. i'll send you the spare/broken calc(half lcd doesn't work cause wires
got melted). and the el and 10 bucks .. Deal?
-----Original Message-----
From: David Knaack <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, May 18, 1998 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Kit Problem-Please read ( was Re: TI-H: backlight...)
>From: Andrew Boudreau <>
>>hey i just posted a message.. noticed it and i could do it like
>solder or
>>melt the screw hole down.. that is no problem at all. I willing to
>pay for
>>shipping their & back and send this broken calc if you would install
>it for
>Sure thing, but if you already have the LCD off, you're mostly done!
>I'd be happy to do the installation for you (and I'd love to get my
>hands on that broken calc).
>If you pay shipping here, I'll install it and send it back.
>Do you have an appropriate switch? If not, I'll have to buy
>some more.
>Rich, are you still stocked with those tiny switches (I seem to
>recall that you said you bought about 100 of 'em)? If so, I'd
>like to get some more, these kits aren't really complete without