Re: TI-H: ti-injector
Re: TI-H: ti-injector
From: Robert Brack <>
>Another question; who here knows anything about wireless ethernet?
If I
>build one myself, and plug it into my hub at home, how far can it go,
do you
>think we could "amp" it maybe 6 miles? W/out line of site? I don't
>about legality, I just want to "surf the web" at school on my laptop.
>access my CD-ROM server and modem. Any answers would be great.
You can get RF amplifiers for just about any frequency range,
just depends on how much you want to spend. Slap some big high
gain antenna onto the base station and point them at your
school and you can probably get pretty decent reception without
too much power (higher gain, more directional, less power required).