Re: TI-H: Re: these are surely things to ponder about =?iso-8859-1?
Re: TI-H: Re: these are surely things to ponder about =?iso-8859-1?Q?=3A=2D=DE?=
yes but 0 isnt realy 0 you see....
you can't thinmk of temp in a mathmatical sense when you are useing the
celcius scale... you must convert it to a scale based on true
temperature (molecular motion) kelvin. 0 is 273 kelvin...
you see you could convert celcius to farenhight and then do the
calculation... 0=23 far. so 23 *.5 =11.5. BUT.... that is wrong
beacause that temp. scale is not proportional to molecular motion so as
I stated a long time ago
here is the correct answer....
0+273 = 273
273 * .5 = 136.5
136.5 - 273 = -136.5 degrees celcius at that temperature the molecules
in the air are moveing half as fast as they where at 0 degrees, therefor
now everyone else shut up :)
>DOH! I realized that a while back but never got around to fixing my
>thinking. Either way .5x0=2*0
>On Fri, 08 May 1998 21:04:23 PDT "ryan pogge" <>
>>um not realy... twice as cold doesent mean 2* the temp.
>>that would be twice as warm. twice as cold is actualy half the temp.
>>so you say 0*.5=0
>>but.... thats just some dumb temp scale... if you do it in terms of
>>molecular motion then its 273 * .5 - 273 = -136.5 degrees
>>>I know, I was just explaining the twice as cold as 0 paradigm; where
>>>will still be 0 yet twice as cold as zero
>>>>>Ooops, It doesn't matter. Either way, 2*0=0 so if it will be twice
>>>>>cold tommorw and it is 0 today, it will *still* be 0 tommorow.
>>>>>Farenheit, Celcius, Rankine, Kelvin, it don't matter.
>>wrong ... see above
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