Re: TI-H: Re: Legalizing MJ


Re: TI-H: Re: Legalizing MJ

> From: Richard Piotter <>
> >ryan pogge wrote:
> >>
> >> >It would be intresting to see a state or two legalized
> >> >some drugs on a trial basis, to see what happens to
> >> >usage patterns and prices.
> >>
> >> ... and crime :)
> >
> >I'd bet my entire calc colection that the crime would decrease if MJ
> were legalized!
> Wouldn't that kind of be by definition?  Everybody who uses,
> grows, sells, or holds it is currently breaking the law, if
> it were legal, they wouldn't be breaking the law anymore, and
> therefore, crime would be reduced....

How many times do people steal to get the cash to get it. It's not just the
possesion or dealing or making or using. It's the stuff that hapens cause it's
dangerous to mess with it. That's a major problem too!

You're right of course too about the obvious stuff! (:

I think I might get into town to send the EL payment today after all! Aren't
you glad to get some more cash come in! (:

Richard Piotter

The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page:
