Re: TI-H: I need 3D help! Richard? - Prog loc


Re: TI-H: I need 3D help! Richard? - Prog loc

No, i don't have claris, all i've got is MS office (97 or a 98 beta that
someone stole from MS, can't remember)

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Piotter <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, May 07, 1998 5:23 AM
Subject: Re: TI-H: I need 3D help! Richard? - Prog loc

>> Rich, do you have that prog somewhere where i could get it?
>I've included an attachment including the program.
>I'm not sure it'll all fit, so I'll send a couple smaller attachments.
>These are the TI-82/83 files.
>Also, in another attchment is two clarisworks files including
>fulldocumentation on the software. If you have clarisworks, then I'll send
>them. They use graphics and text, and just sending the text won't be the
>What format do you need. I might be able to convert it.
>> >I made a program that used matricies to plot 2D graphics. It's too slow
>> >real use in BASIC, but it did translation, rotation, reflection, and
>> scaling
>> >in a program less than 1K!!! The matrix can be expanded to 3D easily
>> the
>> >same method many popular 3D rendering programs use, as well as Silicon
>> >Graphics wireframe rendering, well, at least according to the text book
>> got
>> >it from).
>Richard Piotter
>The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page: