Re: TI-H: Please help me on a survay
Re: TI-H: Please help me on a survay
Inhailing any type of smoke is only bad... Also, beleive what you want, I
could care less what you thought about drugs...and its sad you do them.
>>Smoking pot will make you die early,
>Not proven...
>>(Alaska has the highest THC concentraction in the world... :) )
>what the hell does that mean :)
>>The first time you get a big high.
>the first time you dont feel much of anything.
>>Second time it takes more to get same
>the second or third time you get a realy big high
>>After many many times you don't get the orrigional high,
>you body only develops a slight tolerance to THC...
>It takes the same amount.
>actualy if you smoke alot you get high faster beacause your body
>recognizes the THC faster.
>>but you do
>>not necessarily crave it either.
>well... sometimes I crave a slice of pizza... but im not adicted to it.
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