Re: TI-H: BRIAN + GRANT read


Re: TI-H: BRIAN + GRANT read

Well, I guess when mac<-> pc wars break out, that isn't mature...  Neither
is using fowl language...

I wasn't putting down the MMX, I was saying that a computer is an
investment that I will use for a long time.  So I expressed what I had
ordered for my primary comptuer...

>    I'm not one to say things like this, but grow the fuck up man.  The list
>can't handle mature thoughts?!? The list?!  I don't know if there is any way of
>saying this without making myself sound immature, but you are the most immature
>member of the list!  I don't mind that you are so young, but maturity and
>age are
>completely different.  Talking about how a Pentium II 233 isn't 'good
>enough' for
>you, so you will settle for your 16 MHz 486 (?!?! ok I believe you, I
>don't need
>to see pictures :) haha) until some $4790 computer somehow finds it way to your
>desktop  is completely ABSURD.  Until you grow up, I will ignore all your
>messages.  It's not worth it to read about imaginary expanders that are simply
>figments of your imagination.

I'm sorry you are so doubtfull.  Maybe richard will sell you one when they
come out.  But like any good Luthern Christian, I don't lie, and anyone who
says I lie is wrong.  I don't remember bad experiences with people, which
benifits you...  I'm in a good mood since I just got back on a night with

Thanks for expressing all of your thoughts.  I don't mind being called
names, or things like that...  Its just nice to see who the people are who
do the criticizing and wether their opinions realy have an effect on me and
wether they are worthy of making the discriminations...

>    I apologize for not saying ANYTHING about TI-H, but I felt like what I said
>had to be said, even though it has been said before, and will be said
>again.  For
>those of you that read this, I'm sorry to have wasted your time.