Re: TI-H: Please help me on a survay


Re: TI-H: Please help me on a survay

I don't care about any stupid rants about rights etc, after you see a
friend slowly decay, disintagrate, and die no argumnet seems even slightly
logical.  Talk of fringe benifits from hemp plants are stupid, the by
prodructs of drug use are unspeakable, I have see to many lives ruined to
be fooled by foolish lies about saving trees with hemp.  
  Sorry for ranting but it is the kind of thing i feel to strongly about
to be silent.
		PS:  You guys were right the tape drive is VERY

On Tue, 5 May 1998, ryan pogge wrote:

> marajana is natural... cigarets contain TAR like the kind the make roads 
> with! it screws your lungs up badly.  also marajana is not adictive, 
> however cigarets are very adictive. I can smoke marajuana once a week .. 
> once a month , whatever its not adictive 
> and as for intoxication... alcohol is much worse... god I have done (and 
> have seen people do) some realy stupid stupid stuff drunk. on the other 
> hand marajuana doesent intoxicate you nearly as bad.
> also you cant overdose on marajuana, but you can easly die from alcohol 
> poisoning.
> as for heroin and cocain... yes they are dangerous... but do we have the 
> right to tell people what substances they can put in their own body? 
> maybee... maybee not.
> and as for hemp.... think of all the trees we could save bye useing hemp 
> for paper and such! it is a weed so it grows very fast.... trees take 
> many many years to grow... we cut trees faster than they grow back... 
> soon there wont be many trees left. think if we could grow a substitute 
> that only took a year to grow... itr would save trees and provide 
> farmers with a new source of income.
> I could go on and on about this as it is something I feel quite strongly 
> about...
> but back to Ti-hardware :
> I need to interface a basic stamp with my Ti-92 or 85 beacause I can 
> interface almost anything with a basic stamp, pressure, temp, 
> accelerometer, realtime clocks, motor controllers, eeproms, dtmf 
> decoders, ph sensor, those are just some of the things I can interface 
> with a stamp, and I usualy just have the stamp output the data to an 
> LCD. but it would be cool if i could send it to a TI-Calculator!
> just a thought.
> >
> >I know of nothing that marajuana does that's worse than tobacco. Both 
> are
> >herbs, smoked for a drug. It's just a different drug. Besides, what 
> about all
> >the people who have diseases and say (and prove) it helps them???
> >
> >Now Heroin and the dangerous stuff, I have no problem with limiting, 
> cause it
> >seems rather dangerous, but what's up with the leaves!!! Shoot, I think 
> I know
> >why my dad's old farm got contant trespassers untill recently. Hemp 
> grew in
> >abundance there, naturaly! Now, all the herbicides has killed most of 
> it, and
> >sudenly we aren't having as many trespassers! Come on! I've heard that
> >marajuana smoke isn't half as dangerous as tobacco smoke! I don't know 
> if it's
> >true, but if it is, then why ban it!!! If it were legal the old house 
> on that
> >farm wouldn't have been torn to bits by trespassers, but they'd have 
> nice
> >little patches of hemp in their garden where they grow thier own weed! 
> Maybe
> >hemp farmers selling their weed for rope and smokes, paying taxes for 
> it and
> >everything, just like the tobacco industry! The gov is stupid for not 
> seeing this!!!
> >
> >> well I
> >> did smugle some green herbs(Im sure you guys can figure out what it 
> was)
> >> back from jamaca inside my Ti-92 during spring break :)
> >
> >Ha ha!!! (: My leather calc case would do well too!
> >
> >> what do you mean getting rid of drugs/alcohol?
> >> there is nothing inherently wrong with drugs and alcohol, infact
> >> legalizeing drugs is probably the best solution to the drug problem
> >> anyway.
> >> 
> >> why tell people what they can and  can't do to themselves, it should 
> be
> >> your own choice if you want to have a drink or smoke a joint.
> >> the fact that drugs are illegal is just stupid, beacause i can get 
> any
> >> kind of drug I want in less than 5 minuts if i realy wanted to. the 
> fact
> >> that drugs are illigal doesnt mean that they are harder to obtain for
> >> people that want to use them, it just causes drug related crime. 
> think
> >> about what happened during prohabition in this country... If you 
> think
> >> that only losers use drugs or something then you are wrong I know 
> alot
> >> of smart people that smoke marajuana ocasionaly,They just know how to 
> do
> >> it responsably, work hard on school during the week, and then when it
> >> comes to the weekend they have a little fun :) work hard play hard. I
> >> get A's (not in english , beacause of my bad spelling and grammer) in
> >> all my classes beacause i work very hard at my school work, and you 
> are
> >> telling me that I shouldent be able to relax and drink a beer with my
> >> freinds on the weekend? If you dont want to drink then that is your
> >> choice, but why do you care if other people do?  almost everyone I 
> know
> >> has tried pot once or twice... and dont forget or freakin president 
> has
> >> done it to... the leader of the free world ...has smoked pot.   If 
> you
> >> think that getting rid of drugs is in the best intrest of our 
> country...
> >> they are already illegal, what else can you do? execute people 
> beacause
> >> they use drugs. let me also remind you that cigarets are a drug....
> >> should we throw all of the people who smoke cigarets in jail also?  
> look
> >> at countries where drugs are legal,
> >> such as denmark. these countrys dont have drug related crime like we 
> do.
> >> not to mention the fact that so much of my parents tax money goes to
> >> keep people in prision just beacause the got cault smokeing 
> marajuana,
> >> why not concentrate on the real criminals who are out there stealing 
> and
> >> killing.
> >> why not legalize marajuana for example and sell it in the form of
> >> cigaretts and have a government tax on them... that money plus all 
> the
> >> money saved from legalizeing it (jails, law enforcement) and spend it 
> on
> >> something that would *realy* help the country... like send kids to
> >> college. its a shame that there are so many smart kids out there that
> >> dont have a chance to make anything out of their lives beacause they
> >> cant aford to goto college... and as far as problems in this country
> >> why dont we concentrate on changeing the welfare system and the 
> medicare
> >> system so that they actualy do something other than waste tax payers
> >> money. I can think of so many better ways to better this country than
> >> "getting rid of drugs/alcohol" and while we are at it why not lower 
> the
> >> drinking age to 18.
> >> most kids drink when they are 18 anyway.... and the draft age in this
> >> country is 18... so Im old enough to go die for my country but i cant
> >> drink a beer?
> >> ok ill stop now as this is not realy related to Ti-hardware...
> >
> >
> >Richard Piotter
> >
> >
> >The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page:
> >
> >
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